PHO SKY BLOSSOM - Bistro & Bar | Vietnamese Restaurant In Orlando, FL 32809


Welcome to
PHO SKY BLOSSOM - Bistro & Bar

Let’s visit, have a relaxing time & enjoy the good food at one of the best restaurants in Orlando: PHO SKY BLOSSOM - Bistro & Bar. Located conveniently in Orlando, FL 32809, PHO SKY BLOSSOM - Bistro & Bar is the ideal destination for you and your family to enjoy a meal together.

PHO - the iconic dish honored as the "NATIONAL SOUL FOOD", representing the quintessence of Vietnamese cuisine.

Special From Us

Menu Food


To ensure utmost attentiveness and comprehensive service during your visit, we kindly recommend making a reservation at Pho Sky Blossom Bistro & Bar at least one day in advance prior to your desired dining date. Please note that this recommendation does not apply to Public Holidays and New Year's Day. We extend our sincerest gratitude and are honored to have the opportunity to welcome and serve you at our esteemed establishment.